Misty Miller


Misty Miller is fast-gaining attention for her raw, emotive intensity. While channeling inspiration from 70s New York punk bands such as The Velvet Underground, Iggy & The Stooges and Blondie, as a regular frequenter of Brixton’s The Windmill alongside Fat White Family, Misty also cites the bands she’s met playing the South London scene as a strong influence on her sound.  Misty has honed her live set further through touring with Jake Bugg, Television and Eels.


2014 saw Misty Miller pave a righteous musical path with the release of two highly acclaimed singles: the sleazy late-night prowler Taxi Cab, and double A-side featuring 50s-tinged punker Stars and the not-so-sugar-sweet Marmalade, both singles picking up multiple plays at Radio One, 6 Music and XFM in the process. Misty has streamlined an instinctive grasp of reinvigorating classic nostalgia with songwriting that’s a smack to the side of the cheek with a fistful of attitude and wit.